UE grants

Please be advised that our company is implementing the project:
Program for the promotion of medical and laboratory centrifuges of the enterprise MPW MED. INSTRUMENTS LOCAL CO-OPERATION on foreign markets. The program is implemented under the sub-measure SGP 3.3.3: SME support in the promotion of product brands - Go to Brand operational program Intelligent Development, 2014 - 2020.
The subject of this project is to carry out activities aimed at improving the competitive position of the company on selected foreign markets by promoting the medical and laboratory centrifuges produced by MPW MED. INSTRUMENTS. They have a chance to become a recognizable brand on foreign markets.
The aim of the project is to increase the level of sales of laboratory and medical centrifuges produced on foreign markets. As a result of the project, it is planned to start selling on the US market, which was defined as a promising perspective in the promotion of the medical equipment industry. In addition, it is planned to conduct promotional activities on the markets of Germany, Malaysia and Russia.
By participating in international trade fairs and economic missions, and purchasing training consultancy services, we will be able to expand our export activities to new areas and intensify sales on currently serviced foreign markets. The implementation of the project will contribute not only to the overall increase in the companies income, but also to the increase in the share of export revenues in the overall revenue structure.
The total cost of the project is PLN 1 063 188
EU co-financing: PLN 577 500.00